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If you have kids, you know that teething is SO hard. It’s one of those things that is heartbreaking to watch your baby go through as a parent. It’s awful when you know that your child is in pain, but you feel so helpless. All of my babies have gotten their teeth a little later in the game. Theo is ten months old, and his first tooth has finally just sprouted through, so as you can imagine, the last few weeks have been rougher than usual around here. Since this is our third time dealing with the passing of this dreaded milestone, I thought I would share some of our favorite ways to cope with the pain (aside from praying that those tiny teeth pop through as fast as possible).
{diamond teether c/o Little Standout}
We love all of the teethers pictured in this post, and have also become huge fans of the Boon Pulp this time around. We love filling it with frozen fruit and letting Theo gnaw on it like crazy. Another old standby for us is freezing a wet washcloth, and letting him chew on this. The cold feels so good on his sore gums. I also love teething jewelry designed for moms… necklaces and bracelets that are safe for my babes to hold on to while nursing, and chew on while teething are my favorite.
Above and beyond all of this, we have recently added essential oils to our daily routine, and Copaiba is amazing for teething. It’s a great natural remedy that is designed to aid in physical discomfort, so I have been rubbing it on Theo’s jawline, and/or occasionally applying a small drop directly to his gums (you can always consult your pediatrician about this). If you have any questions about oils, I’m happy to help! When all else fails and he seems to really be struggling, I will give him Motrin, but I generally only use it as a last resort.
I would love to hear about any teething remedies that you might have that I don’t already know about!
These are great options! That Zoli teether was a lifesaver for my youngest!
Teething necklaces and toys were used a lot around here!
Yesssssssss! I saw the ZoLi teethers months ago and recently went to order some and couldn’t remember what they were called! I so excited to have just found them in this post! Yay! I really think they’ll help my little gal’s molars!