It was another perfectly uneventful weekend around here.
The only real excitement occurred when my beloved Patriots pulled off that huge win in last night’s Super Bowl, but even that thrill had to be contained for a couple of reasons…
Number one being that I am the only one in my house that was awake to see it, and number two being that my husband (and pretty much everyone in Pittsburgh) loathes the Pats. So, that’s that.
Listen, you can take the girl out of New England, but… You know the rest. Thank goodness for family and friends back home that I could openly share my stress/anxiety/joy over the game with. What a crazy ending.
Aside from football, it was much of the same. Snoozing, snuggling, and lots of eating.
I gave Max a much needed haircut, after this photo was taken… But he’s too busy right now too be bothered with allowing me to take a picture of his new ‘do.
Otherwise, I’m working on crocheting M&E some adorable sweet treats; ice cream, cupcakes, donuts. I’m not really using any patterns, and just kind of winging it, so we’ll see how they turn out.
Also, just had to share this sweet burlap bunting we found for $3 in the Target Dollar Spot! That place is addicting.
Besides that, we’re kicking off the week with Ella’s 9 month check up!
Lastly, for any of you who weren’t suffering from insomnia last night, and didn’t get the chance to see this, it was just too good not to share!
Hope you all have a great week!
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