There’s not a whole lot to be said about our weekend. It was pretty uneventful… which is why it is best summed up in photos.
On Friday we made ornaments. Because… handmade ornaments are the best kind of decorations.
On Friday night, we rocked pigtails.
On Saturday, we spent the day in pajamas and played in the playroom.
And I consumed copious amounts of coffee.
On Saturday evening, we had a fire… and big surprise, we ate raclette… again.
We also began our 12 Books of Christmas tradition.
Somebody was way more into the paper!
On Sunday morning, we noshed on gingerbread pancakes (thanks Trader Joes), with smoothies on the side, because it’s all about balance people.
On Sunday afternoon, we braved Target. 2 weeks before Christmas… and we will never do it again. We’ll stick to weekdays, thanks! I’m pretty sure Max’s face sums up how he felt about the experience.
On Sunday evening, I admired Ella’s beautiful eyelashes while she slept. Both of my kids have the best lashes, and I… well, I have mascara.
We also grocery shopped.
and baked cookies.
and worked on orders… and took breaks to read our new Christmas books.
we worked on gifts too.
That’s really about it friends. Nothing exciting. Just a nice little weekend spent snuggled up at home together. This season is flying by just a little too quickly for my liking, so I am trying my hardest to soak it all in. Hope your weekend was a good one. Happy Monday!
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