I’ve been a bit absent this week. I took a little vacation from the blogging world, if you will.
As much as I love using this space to share photos, and ideas, and to talk about all of the items that we love, in addition to about a million and one other random things… Sometimes it’s nice to just unplug.
The holiday season has flown by at a pace that I wasn’t even remotely prepared for this year. Add to that the unexpected circumstances that life likes to throw your way, and unfortunately, Christmas day came and went with me feeling a bit like I didn’t accomplish everything on my to-do list. Such is life I guess.
Christmas was still as magical as I had hoped. Sharing it with my little family filled my heart with happiness. Watching Max open gifts and then insist on playing with those gifts rather than opening the rest was exactly what I expected. Seeing Ella wave wrapping paper all around with a drooly grin on her face was pure perfection. Forcing myself to allow my house to look like a toy tornado tore through it while my kids enjoyed their new toys over the last couple of days, all while we all stayed in our pajamas for far too long, was exactly what the doctor ordered.
So instead of my usual Saturday Swoon Worthy post, I am sharing some photos from our Christmas. I will definitely be resuming my regular blogging schedule next week, but for now, I’m going to try to slow it down a little, at least for a few days. I hope you all had the most wonderful holiday, and as always, I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to follow along and read my incessant rambling. I’m so excited to continue to share with you in 2015.
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