I honestly can’t believe that the time has already come for me to write about our sweet Ella turning 6 months old. How on earth a half a year has passed since we welcomed this little lady into our world, just blows my mind.
The girl just bubbles over with personality. She’s loud, funny, snugly, sweet, curious, and such a beautiful little soul. We’re loving every second of watching her grow.
Ella now proudly shouts “mama” (music to my ears), “yaya”, and “baba”.
She’s a champ when it comes to eating, sweet potatoes are her fave, and though we still haven’t seen any teeth pop through, she’s a total drool factory, and is giving Sophie the Giraffe a serious workout.
She weighed in at 16.5 pounds this month, and was 26.6 inches long, during our home “check up”, but her official appointment is next week, where I’m sure we’ll get more accurate measurements. She’s now mostly wearing size 6-12 month clothing, and it still in size 2 diapers.
Her hair has grown so much, that we constantly have to pin her bangs back, and it’s an absolute must that she wear a headband at meal time, or else the majority of her dinner ends up in that glorious mane of hers.
In terms of eating, we’re in the experimental phase and trying new things every day. Bananas, apples, pears, peas, avocado, green beans, squash and sweet potatoes are all in the rotation now.
We recently borrowed a jumperoo from friends of ours, and Ella just loves it… Her bouncing abilities are out of this world! She’s almost sitting 100% on her own, but her balance still needs some work, so the Bumbo seat is still her thing for now.
She’s a great sleeper for the most part, we’re still going strong in the nursing department, and she is also still totally in love with her big brother.
She wants so badly to play cars with him… And sometimes he even lets her.
We love you and your brother so, so much Ella Rose, and cannot wait to see you both reach many more milestones as you grow.
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