We've hit the point around here where Max and Ella take their baths together about 99% of the time. For one, I really just don't have the energy to give 2 separate baths lately, and secondly, they have so much fun in there together, it just seems silly to me to not do it that way. The majority of the time, they share their toys, and there's lots of laughter and fun while ... Read More
Don't Forget to Brush Your Chiclets
Our sweet little Ella has been "teething" for approximately 5,327 days now it seems. Exaggeration, yes, but that's how long it feels like it's been around here. Those adorable bottom two middle teeth popped through before her first birthday, and thankfully didn't cause much of a fuss. Surely (we thought), the other teeth would follow suit, and be making their way ... Read More
Bath Time Rituals
Bath time around here has been anything but routine lately. As soon as Ella was capable of sitting up on her own, I nixed the separate tub times and opted for an everyone-in-the-pool at once approach. {Nuby foam letters} It seemed like a brilliant idea, and all was fine and good until M&E started to really interact with each other and play together ... Read More